“Syncing with the Stars: How the Circadian Rhythm Orchestrates Our Sleep Patterns”

Introduction: Section 1: The Body’s Biological Clock Section 2: The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) Section 3: The Role of Light and Dark Section 4: Synchronizing Sleep with the Stars Section 5: Disruptions and Modern Challenges Section 6: Resetting the Clock Section 7: The Circadian Rhythm’s Influence Beyond Sleep Conclusion: Dr Jagatjit Singh Virk @jagatjitvirk Jagatjit Virk… Continue reading “Syncing with the Stars: How the Circadian Rhythm Orchestrates Our Sleep Patterns”

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https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCZPFIIPexsBSo4FqWQuHVig/videos/upload?filter=%5B%5D&sort=%7B%22columnType%22%3A%22date%22%2C%22sortOrder%22%3A%22DESCENDING%22%7D A study out of England found that a week of sleep deprivation can alter the function of 711 genes, including those involved in stress, immunity, metabolism, and inflammation. That’s why I consistently highlight the importance of sleep. If one thing can impact this many outcomes, we should be paying attention.

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